At our school we are involved in many different sports across local, district, regional and state levels.
At a local level, students are able to gain access to school teams over the year. Sporting teams that we have had and endeavour to continue are Netball, Touch Football, Rugby League and Soccer. This of course is based on interest of students and teacher capability. In these teams we try to attend interschool sports locally and in Mt Isa at least once a year.
Your child can also have access to district (Mid-West) trials across a number of sports in the year. These trials are where we select students to attend the regional (North-West) trials, where they have the chance to display their ability and skill level for selection into the regional team to attend state championships. Information for each of these sports are announced on Monday parades or during roll call.
During the year we also hold school-wide Sports Carnivals.
- Swimming Carnival - Term 1
- Athletics Carnival: Track and Field- Term 2
- Cross Country- Term 3