My name is Amy Hartley and I'm the Chaplain here at Cloncurry State School P–12.
I moved from Brisbane to Cloncurry in 2021 as I have some family here. I love all things sport and fitness and I've been a Personal Trainer for 9yrs.
After working at a few different places in Cloncurry I finally found where I was meant to be, here at CSS as the Chaplain.
As a chaplain at Cloncurry State School P–12 I am here to contribute to the social, emotional and spiritual wellbeing of all students, regardless of age, race, gender, faith or beliefs.
I am so thankful for this opportunity that I have been given to serve not only the students and staff at Cloncurry State School P–12 but also, the whole community.
- Providing sporting and fun activities throughout each term for students, teachers and the community to be involved in.
- Providing social, emotional, educational and community development within Cloncurry.
Major sponsors of The Chaplaincy Program:

Consent for Chaplaincy Services
Student participation in activities within the Chaplaincy service is voluntary. All parents or guardians at enrolment, and on request, are able to access a consent form for Voluntary Student Participation in Program of Chaplaincy Services which:
· Outlines the range of activities specifically with religious, spiritual and/or ethical content within the program of chaplaincy services provided at school
· allows parents to make an informed decision regarding their child's participation in the program of chaplaincy services
· enables parents to withdraw their agreement to, or consent, for their child's participation in chaplaincy services In addition there is a form for Ongoing Parental/Guardian Consent for One on One Meetings with the School Chaplain at Cloncurry State School P-12. This form needs to be completed by parents when ongoing regular support of an individual student is to occur. The Chaplain may sometimes attend school camps and excursions as an adult supervisor and this is advertised to parents before camps/excursions begin. Parents or carers are informed by letter, newsletter and website when new Chaplaincy activities are introduced into the school.
Local Chaplaincy Committee (LCC)
Cloncurry State School P-12 Chaplaincy runs under the guidance of the Local Chaplaincy Committee (LCC), with representatives from parents and staff, local Churches, and Scripture Union (the major employing authority for school chaplains in Queensland.) The Local Chaplaincy Committee is charged with representing the diversity of religious, faith and non-religious beliefs in the school community. Members of the LCC understand the cultural and religious customs and needs of individuals and groups within the school and range of services and support currently available and/or required.
Chaplain Consent (PDF, 627KB)