What is a P&C Association?
A Parents and Citizens Association (P&C) is a school-based organisation with membership open to parents, teachers, students and interested citizens.
The P&C is not just a fundraising committee, it is also a forum to bring parents, citizens, students and teaching staff together. Joining the P&C gives parents a chance to keep up to date with all school activities and to have a say in any issues that concern them or their child at our school. It's an opportunity to contribute to the school's resources through various fundraising projects and be involved in deciding how the money raised is spent.
Cloncurry State School P–12 also encourages parent and community participation in curriculum and other educational issues in our school.
So what does our P&C committee do?
Cloncurry State School P–12 P&C Committee works alongside the school staff to support the education of our children. We plan many events and fundraising activities throughout the year. At our monthly meetings we also receive a report from the Principal, discuss current issues and plan for future events.
Some community events and fundraisers that the P&C have been involved in include:
- Mother's Day and Father's Day stalls for the students
to purchase gifts for their parents or grandparents
- Trivia nights
- School fete
- Cent sales
- Raffles and stalls
The Cloncurry State School P–12 P&C Association has made donations of funds that have been used to purchase equipment and important resources for the school, such as:
- Shade structures around the school
- Playground equipment
- Reading resources
- Sponsorship of the ICAS competitions
– core subjects of English, Maths and Science.
- Providing financial support
for excursions and activities for students.
All of the above events require the volunteer services of our parents and teachers and do not come together without a lot of hard work and effort. While we understand that it is not always possible for parents to volunteer their time, the more parental support we have, the better off our school becomes and the more successful our events will be.
Committee Meetings
You are most welcome to come along and see how our school P&C operates even if your child hasn't started school. Meetings are open to everyone and new faces are always welcome. Meetings are held on the second Thursday of every month (except during school holidays) and begin at 3.00pm in the A-Block ILC Room
Please enter via the Administration Office.
Contact Details
President: Judith Robertson
Phone: 0439 970 457
Email: Joseph.robertson@bigpond.com
Vice-President: Debra Lawlor
Phone: 0407 297 402
Email: roadrunnerroadhouse@bigpond.com
Treasurer: Kisha Avenell
Phone: 0437 420 571
Email: swallingcnj@gmail.com
Secretary: Brittany Burgess
Phone: 0428 850 265
Email: bperr@gmail.com
Presidents Report can be found by clicking this link